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Print lives, thanks to you — our loyal, informed readers

October 2011

Many of us grew up with a favoured newspaper, radio station or TV network as our news and information sources, but that world has gone the way of the dinosaur.

With the Internet chock-full of news/commentary/satire, we are lost in a maze of information overload. In that respect, it’s not what we read, but what we don’t read that can determine how well informed we are. In the maze, many media outlets are dying; others are on life support or struggling to stay afloat as profitable enterprises. All are changing, but only some will survive.

As The Senior Times celebrates its 25th anniversary, loyal readers and a growing coterie of new ones may well ask how it is that publisher Barbara Moser was able to undertake this venture and keep it going and expanding it on several fronts through the ups and downs of recession and the gloom and doom of the 1995 referendum.

The answer is the same that is sustaining other media at a time of multiple choices at newsstands and on the Internet: Credibility and integrity; a variety of subjects and voices; strong, well-argued opinion; and a set of values that coincides with those of readers.

With The Senior Times, the big heart and caring outlook that went into the first publication remains at the core of its choices in stories, photos and personnel and extends to the advertisers, without whom there would be no Senior Times. The same holds true for our directories of much-needed social, community and health services, published in English and French, and presence on the Web, at

The audience awaits the package: Feature articles and photos about some of this town’s personalities that are often overlooked by other media and columnists who cover a wide range of interests.

Neil McKenty’s commentaries reflect his lifelong commitment to social justice. Bonnie Sandler applies her vast experience and sensitivity to a range of seniors’ issues. FlavourGuy Barry Lazar’s unique take on food comes wrapped in an entertaining story. Word Nerd Howard Richler is unfailingly thought-provoking and funny as he examines the quirks of the English language.

Readers eagerly await more inside stories from the newest writers, veteran music critic Juan Rodriguez and Harry Rolnick with his the view from the East Village of life in New York City. The list is long, the subject matter necessary and useful, from legal issues with Joyce Blond Frank to investment ideas with Ivan Cons and Deborah Leahy, shopping hints from Sandra Phillips and novel getaway ideas from Roads Scholar Mark Medicoff.

When good people do good things for humanity, The Senior Times takes note. We cull the myriad of cultural events and highlight those we believe you will enjoy. Our writers review restaurants that offer value for our hard-earned cash. The paper supports politicians who have a progressive outlook when it comes to providing services for the sick, the elderly, veterans and the poor.

Members of The Senior Times family share their travels with readers, and welcome contributions from writers and friends who are making the most of their lives. Your stories matter and give the paper a family aesthetic.

The paper believes in human dignity and respect for all and tries to reflect these values in our pages. The staff is proud of its record and looks forward to the next-quarter century with optimism and energy.

Thank you, dear readers, advertisers, sales staff and writers, contributors all to The Senior Times family. — Irwin Block



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